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MaSSP 2021 will happen in June-July 2021 with six subjects: math, data science, chemistry, biology, aerospace and architecture. The program will be online with some offline activities in Hanoi

Deadline for applications: April 1, 2021


The projects of the subject of Mathematics at MaSSP 2021 focus on: Entropy and theorems on information encoding capacity; coding algorithms on trees and automata; the mathematical background and applications of computations with multivariate polynomials; the theory of error-correcting codes. Our mentees shall see numerous applications of Pure Mathematics in Computer Science, namely Information Theory, Computer Algebra and Coding Theory. They will also get acquainted with computational tools like Maple, Singular, Sage… and, if the time allows, are encouraged to implement learned algorithms using a programming language.

HeadmentorNguyễn Mạnh Linh (École normale supérieure, Paris)

Eligibility: 10-12 grades

Data science

Data Science and Machine Learning course focuses on traditional supervised machine learning algorithms such as Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, and Decision Trees. If time allows, students will learn an introduction to deep learning models, with a focus on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). In addition to learning algorithms, students will gain hand-on experience during labs and attending in-class Kaggle competition. Lab topics include house price prediction, wine quality prediction, and classifying handwritten digits. By the end of the course, students will join out-of-class Kaggle competition with guidance and support from our mentors.


HeadmentorsNhung Le (Apple), Trần Minh Tâm (Emlyon Business School - INSA Lyon)

Eligibility: 10-12 grades and college students


The 2021 MASSP chemistry program hopes to provide students new insights into some exciting research areas, including polymer science and biocatalysis, while also broadening their knowledge in organic chemistry. Topics that will be covered in polymer science include polymer synthesis and characterization, plastic pollution, and new research developments in sustainable polymers and methods for polymer re/upcycling. The biocatalysis project will cover fundamental knowledge about enzymes, methods for enzymes extraction and characterization, directed evolution and its applications to the development of new enzymatic transformations for the synthesis of biologically active compounds. In addition, students will also have the opportunity to learn about computational chemistry and its applications in organic/inorganic/organometallic chemistry, while also getting some hands-on experience by running simple calculations using Orca. Lastly, headmentors and mentors hope to share some important skills for conducting chemical research as well as our experience in academic and industrial environments.

Headmentors: Suong (Princeton), Duong Ngo (Ohio State Univ)

Eligibility: 10-12 grades and 1st-2nd year college students


Technology breakthroughs sitting at the core of life science disciplines and related domains such as neuroscience, medicine, and agriculture have led to major discoveries in biology of the 21 st century. Application of the high-throughput and inexpensive DNA sequencing is one such example. To help students get exposed to these advancements of the life sciences, this summer course covers several hot topics of the field, especially focusing on DNA sequencing technology and its impacts on human health and biological research such as neuroscience. Through the course, we attempt to show several major themes in biological research and their contributions to our daily lives, and we hope that this crash course will provide essential insights and orientation to decide and develop a career in research for high-school and college students.

Headmentors: Nguyễn Tấn Trung (Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, INRAE, AgroParisTech, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay), Lê Linh (Univ of Rochester)

Eligibility: 10-12 grades and 1st-2nd year college students


Technology breakthroughs sitting at the core of life science disciplines and related domains such as neuroscience, medicine, and agriculture have led to major discoveries in biology of the 21 st century. Application of the high-throughput and inexpensive DNA sequencing is one such example. To help students get exposed to these advancements of the life sciences, this summer course covers several hot topics of the field, especially focusing on DNA sequencing technology and its impacts on human health and biological research such as neuroscience. Through the course, we attempt to show several major themes in biological research and their contributions to our daily lives, and we hope that this crash course will provide essential insights and orientation to decide and develop a career in research for high-school and college students.

Headmentors: Nguyễn Tấn Trung (Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, INRAE, AgroParisTech, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay), Lê Linh (Univ of Rochester)

Eligibility: 10-12 grades and 1st-2nd year college students


The Aerospace program would like to introduce interesting mechanisms of flight, specifically, topics in aerodynamics, materials and structures. Students will then apply it to design and possibly build a radio control aircraft or test their design in a simulation environment. Throughout the course, students gain not only the physics behind aeronautics, but also essential engineering skills such as designing with CAD softwares like Solidworks and solving optimization problems with MATLAB or Python.

Headmentors: La Thúy Minh Ngọc (MIT), Phạm Huy (FPT Univ)

Eligibility: 10-12 grades


The Architecture program will focus on the efficiency of material usage in architecture. A part of being material-efficient is the concept of sustainability in materials, as well as their development throughout the history of architecture. Through design exercises, students in small groups will examine materials’ life cycles, embodied energy, material production, and construction methods. The projects aim to address the architectural applications of materials and how those processes could lead to a sustainable built environment.

Headmentors: Cao Trần Phong Tuân (KU Leuven +University of Architecture of HCMC), La Thúy Minh Thuận (Cornell), Phan Hoàng Kiều Hân (U Manchester)

Eligibility: 10-12 grades

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