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Our journey

MaSSP stands for Math and Science Summer Program. Founded in 2016 by 4 students at MIT and Wellesley, MaSSP aspires to become the bridge for overseas Vietnamese students at top-notch universities in the US, France, and all over the world to come back to Vietnam to share their knowledge and skills with high school students. Our missions are to provide Vietnamese high school students, especially those from underprivileged backgrounds, with opportunities to explore applications of mathematics and science. At MaSSP, we concentrate on enhancing students’ ability to think independently, self-study, work in teams, conduct scientific research, and communicate science effectively.

In our first year in 2016, MaSSP only had two subjects: math and computer science. Since then, we have expanded to many subjects such as biology, chemistry, physics,  environmental science, aerospace, and architecture. We are proud to be one of the first programs to expose high school students in Vietnam to top-notch fields such as molecular biology, material chemistry, and machine learning. See some sample projects that students of MaSSP have participated in.

Besides working on projects, students of MaSSP can attend talks from experts, panel discussions about STEM career path and studying abroad, public speaking training, lab tours, Vietnamese Institute for Advanced Studies in Mathematics (VIASM), and many other activities.

MaSSP has been featured in media channels such as VTC10Dân Trí.

Our team
meet the team

What we have achieved in the past few years are all thanks to our team. Even though the program is only a few weeks each year, MaSSP team has to put in months of preparation. Our team consists of young students and professionals working and studying at well-known university and institutes in and outside Vietnam such as MIT, Stanford, Princeton, U Chicago, Columbia, Ecole Polytechnique, École normale supérieure and NUS.

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