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"I’m very impressed with the humor and kindness of the mentors as well as the students. A curriculum without pressure, allowing students to freely explore and do research."

- Participant of MaSSP 2016


MaSSP stands for Math and Science Summer Program. Founded in 2016 by 4 students at MIT and Wellesley, MaSSP aspires to become the bridge for overseas Vietnamese students at top-notch universities in the US, France, and all over the world to come back to Vietnam to share their knowledge and skills with high school students. Our missions are to provide Vietnamese high school students, especially those from underprivileged backgrounds, with opportunities to explore applications of mathematics and science. At MaSSP, we concentrate on enhancing students’ ability to think independently, self-study, work in teams, conduct scientific research, and communicate science effectively.

Students of MaSSP are passionate and excellent Vietnamese high school and college students in multiple Math and Science fields. During our summer program, the students have opportunities to work with their mentors on research and application projects on math and sciences, to gain more knowledge and skills on conducting research, approaching and solving problems, and working individually and in groups. By the end of the program, students present in public, thus honing their presentation skills.

Mentors of MaSSP are knowledgeable, resourceful, and passionate about learning and sharing. Being a mentor of MaSSP, you will have an opportunity to meet other young passionate minds not only in your subject but in many other math and science fields, to share your knowledge with many Vietnamese high school students who may not have as much educational advantage. As a head-mentor, you also learn valuable leadership skills by building your own team. In the past years, our mentors are students, PhD candidates and postdocs from well-known universities and institutes such as MITStanford, Princeton, U Chicago, Columbia, Ecole Polytechnique, École normale supérieure, NUS.

Organizers/volunteers of MaSSP are young, enthusiastic, passionate, and active. As an organizer/volunteer of MaSSP, you can participate in logistics, PR, and finance. This is not only a good opportunity for you to meet other young passionate friends, our talented mentors, and smart students, but also a good chance to practice many valuable skills such as teamwork, leadership, time management, and your own expertise in PR, finance or logistic.

Partners and donors of MaSSP

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